Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Little Bit More Than Needed:

Challenge Day 3: Part 1
Tell All About Your Day in Great Detail

Should this be referred to as the TMI (too much information) blog? I’m debating. My day in detail sounds a bit boring and a little egocentric. I guess for the challenge I’ll type quick. A writer’s way of referencing ripping of a band-aid; still hurts but it’s not as bad if you do it quickly.

My morning consisted of the boyfriend and I sleeping in.  I was suppose to make a trip to my hometown today to retrieve my high school transcript but that journey has been delayed.  We [the boyfriend, myself, and the babies] all went for a walk around the neighborhood. We’ve finally made a routine route and it’s nice feeling very picture perfect family(esqu).  Blossom, the youngest, continues to pull at her lead; whereas Bunker is the ideal dog and walks while matching your pace.  
            We then went out where I was gifted with the ever refreshing sweetness of the McDonalds Caramel Frappe. One more pit stop and then we were back home. The rest of the evening has been spent a mist Stephen King’s miniseries “The Last Stand” and the cuddling of the family on the leather couch. We’ll probably go for another walk before the sun leaves. Dinner will consist of hamburger meet that I’ve had thawing out all day. Tonight we will watch “Grey’s Anatomy” with dinner and finish up another episode of “The Last Stand”. Today really wasn’t all that interesting. If something between now and bed time happens, I’ll be happy to most likely keep it to myself. Until Challenge Day 4, of course. Have A Great Evening Everyone.

A Little Less Than A Lot:

Challenge Day 2: Part 2:
Something I Feel Strongly About

There’s a lot that I feel strongly about. I could be predictable and pick a controversial issue like abortion, gay rights, or even the death sentence but I’m not. I’ll save that for a time when I feel compelled to do so. Today, I feel strongly about sitting at home on a beautiful day, catching up on homework, sleeping in, and playing with the babies. The house is a mess but I have no great desire to clean and I can tell that I may have done some homework but I don’t feel accomplished by it in any way. No, today is a lazy day and I feel strongly that it was a much needed lazy day. That’s about it. 

Sorry this post was a litle lacking compared to my others but I didn't really feel to compelled by the subject. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Little Bit More Than: Rants and Raves

Challenge Day 2: Part 1
10 Likes & 10 Dislikes

It’s so easy to come up with things you dislike. People tend to focus on the negative, it’s a defense mechanism instilled in us through human nature. If all we did was focus on the positive we would never see the bad coming.  I love to rant on about what pisses me off, and I love rave about the things I love. It’s not too often that I’m able to broadcasts my opinion over the internet and in the past I really had no desire to. I realize that this is not like broadcasting on CNN or ABC but it’s still a step. What direction that step is being taken, I’m not sure.  
Also, just now, I’ve decided to change Raves to Love because I don’t like to do much half assed. I had already changed likes/dislikes to Raves/Rants but I figure if I’m ranting about it then I love it. I’m going to leave dislikes as dislikes because I don’t like to broadcast the word “hate”.  

10 Raves Loves:
1.        1. Cooking. It might seem as though cooking is just a past time or perfectly okay for “some” people, but seriously where would we be without cooking? Better yet, where would we be without baking… cookies and pies? [pausing to regain focus] It’s safe to say that food shapes every country. Here in the States we have burgers and cheese steak, fries and ice cream.

Added b/c I have more to say on food,
and well It goes with cooking… so, yeah

Food is amazing and I love most all of it. My all time favorite food is ice cream. Cold Stone creamery is probably the best guilty pleasure that I have. I eat more than anyone I know, so you can assume maintaining a reasonable weight is difficult. Honestly, sometimes I don’t care, food = happiness a lot of the time for me so I’d rather be fat with food than empty and in need of nutrition. Ha.

2.    It’s hard for me to picture a life without animals. They give us so much from food ;) to companionship. I’m not an animal activist but I do care a bit more than most. I have two Vizslas and I call them ‘my babies’. Bunker is the oldest at age 5, and Blossom is our newest addition to the household, she’s about 7 months.  Each hold such a prominent place in my heart and I sincerely can’t imagine my life without them. They contribute to my sanity and self-control.  Animals are big part of my life and they will more than likely be referenced to multiple times throughout all of my blogs.
3.       We all know it… Music defines who we are in ways that words fall short, and in the way clothing lacks. I wish, for me, it was as simple as naming a genre of music and then leave the rest for you to assume; however, I <3 music. From Mozart to my newest obsession Nicki Minaj, Motion City Soundtrack to Brad Paisley, or Justin Beiber to Breaking Benjamin. I like it this way, it makes me unpredictable or mysterious in a way. It’s not simple to just take one look at me and say “she’s so in to country” because as true as that may be, it does not define me.  I am defined by the lyrics of Motion City Soundtrack, my style has no definition other than the one I give it, and I rock to the beat of whatever I feel like that day. Love music.
4.       So many people take their education for granted. I know when I was younger, high school(ish), was hard. I was uninterested in 90% of my classes not to mention I was at the age where I felt that the world saw me and all my ‘glory’. When really no one cared as much as I did, a lesson that’s still, as an “emerging” adult, hard to cope with. No One Cares As Much As I Do. If you even try to understand this concept it’s scary and yet so relieving.  Okay, need to get back on track. Learning= good.  I love to gain new experiences and learn things that make me say “whoa, cool”.
5.       I have no rhythm but I love to dance. Dancing is a great outlet for me to just let loose. There’s nothing like hearing a great beat and jamming out to it around your living room. This may be a shorter explanation but it’s still on the list.
6.       Epic T.V. Shows.  Watching Television shows are probably the closest thing I have to a hobby. I have seen over a years’ worth of television shows and I don’t plan to stop and “smell the roses” anytime soon. Supernatural, Lost, Grey’s Anatomy, Heroes, The Big Bang Theory, That 70’s Show: these are all t.v shows that I’ve been in to recently but there are MANY more. Maybe, it’s an addiction as well but either way I love it. I love the characters, the stories, and the drama. If you think about it T.V. has to be good or no one would watch it so they make epic and gripping story lines that you can’t tear away from. I look forward every evening to cuddling on the couch with the boyfriend and tuning in to a great show. Not only does it take me away but it reminds me that things could get worse…I’ve got it pretty good.
7.       Starting New Things.  I am horrible about starting something and then never finishing it. In attempting to learn knitting I decided my fingers didn’t approve the engagement; therefore,  I quit (for my fingers sake). I really wanted to know how to play an instrument I went from guitar to piano, I even took a class. All of these things are just examples of things that I just don’t keep up. This blog will most likely fall victim. The point is; however, is that I love it. I really enjoy finding something new and trying it out. I’m a firm believer in “try it at least once” .  Then you can say you experienced it and in life experiences are everything.  Just because I don’t finish them doesn’t make them any less important to me.
8.       There are days that we all have where we walk outside and feel amazing just based on the weather.  Some feel happiest when it’s 85 degrees and they can wear their flip flops and roll the windows down, others are in bliss when the thunder and rain put on a show outside their window. For me, it’s partly cloudy and the rain has passed over about an hour ago. It’s warm outside the humidity is not overbearing; it’s more like a blanket you can’t see.  The air deceives you, making you dream of the beach or a lake. This is my favorite kind of weather… and I love it!
9.       Late night conversations. I would say deep, meaniful conversations that take place at any time of the day, but sadly the most deep and meaningful conversations that take place during the sunshine hours always seem to be lacking. I really don’t know what it is that makes talking at night so sensual. Whenever my friends and I would have slumber parties nothing “good” was ever really said until we got tired and mellow. Something about the silence of the night made our girlish conversations shimmer. Now, on the phone with my friend at 12 am or that ‘oh so cherished’ pillow talk, I find myself less giddy but still as much in love with night time talks as ever. A lot of things lose their appeal as you grow older, like scary movies or going to Chuck-E-Cheese but my late night chats never seem to.
10.   Honestly, one of the things I love the most has to do with the opposite sex and well I don’t like to broadcast such things. ;) But know that it is definitely on my last. Instead I’ll substitute it with something a little less personal and go with video games.  I am that chick that has the ability to shoot you in the face multiple times using Call of Duty: Black Ops/ Modern Warfare 2. I love just about all games. I grew up on the Nintendo 64 playing Super Mario and Banjo Kazooie. Games now are so much more entertaining; which says a lot because my 64’ games were the shit. Kingdom Heart games I find especially enjoyable, as well as the Uncharted games followed by the ever popular COD and MWII… yes, it’s a hard life, but I live it.
11.   Playing dress up < I added one more because I can do what I want.

10 Things I Really Don’t Like:
1.       Liars. My dislikes and loves are in no particular order but I did feel compelled to put liars as my number 1 thing that I really don’t like, I’d even go as far and say I hate it when people lie. I, myself as a hypocrite, am a pro. I do not however feel it necessary to justify my hypocritical ways when you yourself have in fact lied to.  Just because I’ve done it doesn’t mean I agree with it. It’s kind of like some Christians and their values; just because they believe in it doesn’t mean they always practice it. (Too far? Well, it’s unfortunately true.)
2.       I dislike highly when someone claims they don’t care for something when they haven’t even given it a chance. This goes for food:
“Oh, I don’t like broccoli.”
                “Well, have you ever had it.”
“No, I just know I wont like it.”
Really? You won’t try it because you already know you won’t like it? If you already     have your mind made up about something you’ve never even tried then you leave no room for personal growth.  It’s almost like saying “no, I won’t drive a car because, I just know it will crash and burn.”  Not only with food but this goes for ideas, religions, and other cultures that are not similar to your own.  There’s a whole world of possibilities out there you’re cutting yourself off from when you choose to say “no, I know I won’t like it.” Let’s stop being so ignorant, shall we?
3.       Less than Friendly Friends. I have a habit of making friends and then finding out they’re not exactly as friend like as I thought.  Now, I do realize that it is not always the other party that is at fault for my lack of social skills and poor judgment but they can’t all be bad, can they?
 I do have really good friends, people who have been with me through a lot and these less than friendly friends are not them.  (Just wanted to be clear.) I would go more in to depth but I’m trying not to dwell on the past or negative bull crap that is this subject so… NeXt.
4.       I’m not a huge fan of War Movies. It’s really hard for me to digest them emotionally. I’m one of those people who think about every aspect of a movie and for war movies I think about the opposing side and their families just as much as ours.  Also, any gore to do with skin really freaks me out. I just can’t take it.
5.       Household chores are an unfortunate necessity to having a place of residence. I don’t mind washing dishes, dusting, or even the bathrooms but when it comes to laundry my stomach turns (esp. socks, loathe matching socks).
6.       Those of us who speak at the wrong time. There’s a girl in one of my classes and she speaks everyday out of turn and about her family. Really in depth personal issues about her family. It happens every year that I get someone like this in one of my classes. It’s one thing to compare what we’re learning in class to real life experiences but it’s not okay to do it every class period and relate it back to the same depressing family issue. We’ve all had these people in the work place; where they want to tell you their whole life story and how much better/worse it is than yours. They’re everywhere. If you are one of these people please consider that “no one cares as much as you do”. See what I did there? I referenced from a previous post. Impressive, I know.
7.       It’s fun to dress up and look pretty but girls c’mon and let’s be classy. There are a few things I can’t stand about women stereotypes and one of them is that we [women] implement these stereotypes ourselves.  So you think dressing in overly revealing clothes or wearing your bikini to a night club is sexy? Well, it may be to the guy who is only intending a one night stand. You’re setting yourself up for failure. I just don’t understand. Also, why do girls feel like they have to be better than every other girl?  I’m sure I’m guilty of this in my own way but man, does it irk my nerves.  Also II: If you’re rich don’t flaunt it nobody likes when you act better than everyone just because you have nice crap. I have nice crap but I try not to rub it in everyone’s face.
8.       Unplanned anything except for things that are meant to be unplanned. I’m a planner, events go on the calendar and that’s just how it goes. I like to know what’s going on and when it’s going on. Gives me comfort and a sense of control.
9.       A Lack of an AC unit in the middle of summer. I feel like this is pretty self explanatory.
10.   Cruelty…

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Bit More Than: A First Start

So this is my first blog post, ever. I don't think I would have otherwise even thought about doing this if it hadn't have seen the following challenges. I'm going to try and do these over the next 30 days and who knows I may keep it up after that. I don't suspect anyone will really read these in depth; however, if they so choose to I hope it's not too boring.

Challenge: Day 1
Describe A Little About Yourself, And 5 Ways To Steal Your Heart

Describe a little about myself? Sounds a little generic. I could talk about long walks on the beach, or how much I like when it's raining but these are all things I would say in a Match.com ad. (Something that I'm not really in need of) It's difficult to think of something clever and witty when describing yourself because you don't want to sound lame and you don't want to sound like you're trying too hard. I wonder how one would accomplish 'real'... I'm going to try. 
          I, in fact, do like walks on the beach but not long ones. The way the sand kicks up on the back of my legs was never appealing, not to mention when you get home from the beach sand miraculously appears in the most random places causing you to question if you walked on the beach or did you swim in the sand.  I also love when it's raining. There's something symbolic and peaceful about rain I still have yet to pin point. The way it sounds or the way it washes everything away.
   LEARNING: Growing up, school was not something I looked forward to attending. Honestly I had no passion for learning. Now, as an "emerging adult" I find that learning is all I really have to fall back on. I feel accomplished when I learn something new. College is hard enough knowing what you want to do and trying to "shoot" for it. Try not knowing what you want to do and shooting for it all. Impossible but fun.  In short, I'm pretty but not gorgeous. I love to cook and shop. School is now a passion. Love is imperative. And my dogs are every bit a part of me as my legs and my arms. It's difficult describing oneself to the masses. How am I to know what they want to hear and what they care absolutely nothing about? I personally don't want to hear about every detail of your life so why would you want to hear about mine? And I don't know you, but maybe in getting to know just a little bit about me you find out something (however small) about yourself. It happens. 

5 Ways To Win My Heart
1. They say women are lying when they claim that something important in significant other is a sense of humor. For me, it's completely true. It's very possible to win my heart by making me laugh uncontrollably. Humor is a skill not everyone is equipped with.  The ability to make someone laugh is a skill that I cherish. I know that if you can make me laugh when I'm happy then you'll be able to make me smile when I'm sad. Also, it's interesting to know that those who laugh more than those who don't are more healthy. This puts a whole new meaning to the term "healthy relationship".

2. Chivalry is not dead, people are just getting lazy.  I have an open door policy and that means if you see a door you open it. That goes for opportunities all the way to if you're taking me out every door seen should be opened before I get to it. This is just common courtesy shows you're putting me ahead of yourself in both metaphor and literal sense. Pulling out the chair, arriving on time, picking up the tab... these may sound trivial but trust me, to women it's what makes or breaks you. 

3. An intellect, unlike my own. I like to think that I'm decently intelligent in my own way. I may not know how to fix a radiator or repair my computer but I know a lot about child development, psychology, a growing amount of anatomy, and a vast knowledge on pop culture and television. Being a boring person is not something I feel I will have to worry about anytime soon, if you want to "win my heart" being boring is not a trait I take lightly. Knowing how to play an instrument, or work out is super cute because I don't know how to do those things. I'll feel like being with you betters myself. 

4.  I love my dogs, a little more than most would consider necessary. Having a passion defines you, though. It makes you who you are. I know, if you have a passion there's always something we will have to talk about. This, kind of, goes hand in hand with number 3 but I feel it's worth mentioning. Winning someone's heart is no easy game. If the person see's that your passionate about something it gives them hope that you have the ability to be passionate about them.  

5. Be Who You Are. You could be a person who does all the right things, takes me to all the right places, and whispers all the right words but if the connection isn't there, then it isn't there. You can't pretend to be someone you're not. If you're sense of humor is lacking don't attempt to tell a joke because it's noticeable. It's sweet that you were willing to change but in the long run all you're setting yourself up for is disappointment, not just for you but for the person you were deceiving as well.  The "Ways To Win My Heart" I think is kind of a crock. When you fall for someone it just happens. The things I listed above are traits and my ideas of a person I feel I would fall the quickest for, but it's not set in stone, or exact. Love, relationships, even friendships can not be categorized in to a exact science. As Dr. Suess once cleverly wrote " Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."